المنصة الاولى عربيا للسوق الرقمي والمعاملات

أبدا الان في في تحويل الاموال وانشاء المتاجر

لماذا ريا ؟

Digital currency transfers

Through Ria, you can transfer between digital and encrypted currencies apart from Pro Bot credit transfers. This makes it easier for you. Use your wallet on the site

Creating electronic stores

And shapes without limits by paying only $3 once Only one way to achieve huge profits after construction


There are more than 20,000 online stores on the Raya platform specialized in several fields, including technology, entertainment, work, and food In addition to the main store on the site, you can rate all stores from one to five stars

Conditions for profit from Ria

Ria offers you the service for example, if you have a store that meets the conditions Accepted items will earn and withdraw the store's profitMore

Convert credit to dollars

Through our platform, you can convert the probot’s currency subsidiary stores with easeMore

الشركات التابعة لريا 🌐


منصة تواصل اجتماعي متكاملة للدردشة، نشر المحتوى، والتجارة الإلكترونية مع نظام ربح مبتكر. بيئة حرة بدون حدود للإبداع والتفاعل.

اكتشف المنصة 🚀

Bankt AI

شركة ذكاء اصطناعي عربية رائدة تقدم حلولًا تكنولوجية متقدمة تفوق قدرات GPT-4. أنظمة ذكية للبرمجة، التحليل، والتعلم الآلي.

تجربة الذكاء الاصطناعي 🤖


Create your professional store with several payment methods

Take advantage of global and local payment methods to facilitate the sale of your products to all parts of the world
Bitcoin USDT Visa Visa Visa
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